Privacy Policy for the General Public, Site Visitors & myUrbanSKY Community Members

When you visit the myUrbanSKY web sites, our server and site analytics may automatically recognize the domain name and pages reviewed. We may count, track, and aggregate your activity on the site to produce analysis that will help us improve the quality of your user experience.

We collect the email addresses of those who communicate with us via email—and may share them with coordinating non-profit organizations with whom we partner if you have indicated that we may do so. We do not collect and keep any personally identifiable information from you unless you volunteer it. We do not rent or sell personal information—ever.

If you have subscribed to one of our email newsletters, blogs or other communications and do not want to receive an email from us in the future, please let us know by unsubscribing using the link at the bottom of the email or by sending us a message to the email or postal address noted below.  We’ll promptly comply with your request.

We use reasonable security safeguards to protect the information obtained against unauthorized access, destruction, use, modification or disclosure. However, due to computer hackers, electronic malfunctions, and other events, we cannot guaranty that such safeguards will always protect such information.


Privacy Policy for myUrbanSKY Commercial Customers

myUrbanSKY is committed to safeguarding the confidential information of its commercial customers–whom we refer to as myUrbanSKY Partners.

Maintaining the confidentiality of your personal and business information is one of our primary responsibillities.

The information we require from you to complete the myUrbanSKY Partner master service agreement and onboarding process includes public and non-public data, including name, address, telephone numbers, Social Security number, Federal Employer Identification Number, and certain personal and business financial information.

Under terms of our master services agreement, we require your authorization to share this information with strategic services vendors as needed to arrange for provision of services to your real estate properties.  However, we do not otherwise provide non-affiliated persons, firms or companies with your personal or business information unless you have authorized us to do so or such disclosure is permitted or required by law.

As technology continues to advance, you can be sure that we will maintain the physical, electronic, and procedural safeguards necessary to keep your information confidential and secure.  myUrbanSKY will notify you of any changes to our practices with respect to discharging such obligations.